Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Moms Night Out

Moms Night Out is an incredible movie! Seriously though, if you are a mom please go watch the movie. If your husband doesn't really like movies like this just play the football card and make him sit with you and watch it. This will give him a little insight into our minds as mothers, and also it's pretty funny! I do have to say that the one thing I was slightly disappointed in is the way they depicted some of the dads. They were shown as very incompetent and that's not fair. Other than that detail I believe there so are many lessons to be learned in this movie. The realness of the emotion shown is amazing!

At one part the main character says something like "she chose to be a wife and a mother, it's all she has ever wanted, so why is she not happy?". I'm pretty sure I have said those exact words. I chose to stop working and stay at home with my boys, so why does it feel so difficult most days. Why do I not experience all the joy and happiness I thought I would? Answer, because you're taking care of crazy, emotionally unstable, hangry, tiny humans! 

I believe having a group of women, who are going through relatively the same things you are, around is necessary. Note that I didn't say important or optional. It's vital to our sanity! We need confirmation that we are doing okay. I need to know that I'm not the only one who has sat in the middle of the floor crying because both my boys were crying and I literally had nothing left to give them. I need to know that there is a light somewhere down this long dark tunnel I like to call Winter. Seriously, when will winter be over?

But here lies the problem with most of us. I hate going out and doing things for myself.......dramatic pause...... Why, you may ask? I'm not even sure. I always feel so guilty. I feel guilty for spending money, I feel guilty for leaving Joe at home with the boys, and, to be honest, it just feels weird being away from them. They are attached to me all day. All Day! Yet, when I'm separated from either of them I feel like a piece of myself is missing. Honestly though, that's because there is. Those boys were both a part of me at one time so it's natural to feel like something is missing, but what about ourselves. We can't lose ourselves in the midst of raising babies. I can't sacrifice who I am, what I love, and the relationship I have with my husband in order to raise my boys. As much as it pains me to say it, one day they will grow up and they will leave (insert ugly cry). What will be left? An empty place inside where the "myself" part is suppose to be.

So how do we prevent this? I've read blog after blog and many articles from women who have either went off by themselves for days at a time (a bit drastic) or completely shut down and shut out everyone. I vote to do neither of these. I want to simply propose a little fun. I think doing a moms night out will definitely preserve our sanity while allowing us to connect to other moms. No, I don't plan on leaving  my phone in the car, I'm way too paranoid for that mess. I just want to have a conversation with another mom without a child attached to my leg! Pretty simple. I'm not talking every week, but I don't think once a month is unreasonable!

I constantly find myself planning coffee dates with people, and if anyone knows me even a little, they will understand my love for coffee. I will meet someone, enjoy talking to them, and they'll say "hey, lets get coffee sometimes." Immediately my brain splits in half. One half is screaming "yes, please!!" while the other, more realistic half, knows that's not really going to happen. I mean well when I say I would love that, because I really would love that, but there is never time. It isn't until you get intentional with your time management that you'll be able to say wait, I do have some time set aside for friends!  If it's on the calendar, then it's happening. No more excuses. If your husband doesn't feel like watching the kids, then tough. Sorry, that's a bit harsh but husbands are extremely capable and can handle their children and I'm tired of society portraying it otherwise!

I say all that to say this, (I feel like I'm always saying a bunch of stuff just to say a lot more stuff) stop putting your children at the top of your list. What a crazy thought. God, your husband, and yourself all matter too. If I'm not taking care of myself, then how in the world am I suppose to care for two tiny humans? If I don't nurture my faith, my mind, and my relationships, then who will I be once those tiny humans aren't so tiny anymore?

So, to my new South Carolina friends (all three of you) be ready for me to initiate some fun! It'll be great. I'm super funny. Just ask my husband!

Thank you to anyone taking the time to read this post! I would love feedback if anyone feels up to it!


  1. I know exactly where your at, been there. I think it's great when churches have a mom's day out. Great writing Sam!

  2. I know exactly where your at, been there. I think it's great when churches have a mom's day out. Great writing Sam!
